Vickery Bros.’ transport division offers flexible and reliable bulk transport solutions across Victoria and South Australia. Our modern fleet of bulk tippers is equipped to handle a wide range of products, including:



Lime and Gypsum

Sand and Gravel

Bark Chips and Manures

Each truck in our fleet is fitted with advanced GPS tracking technology, enabling our logistics team to monitor load locations in real time and make efficient, data-driven decisions. Additionally, all trucks are equipped with Right Weight load scales, ensuring accurate and safe loading, even in paddock environments.

To maintain the highest standards of safety and performance, Vickery Bros. operates an in-house maintenance division that services our fleet in compliance with Maintenance and Mass Management regulations.

Our current fleet includes 7 B-doubles and 7 truck-and-dog combinations, allowing us to accommodate various load sizes and transport needs. Vickery Bros. is also available for harvest work and grain transfers to port terminals, providing dependable service when it matters most.

For more information contact our logistics manager David Vickery on 0409 552 737.